Please bookmark our class site and check back often for updates on what we are learning, school events, homework assignments, spelling lists, projects, and more
Every effort will be made to update the site daily to keep families informed.
Suggested Supplies
The following supplies are suggested for each student and will help your child to be prepared and organized for 5th grade. Tissues, paper towels, wipes, bags, and hand sanitizer are to share. A note will be sent home if additional supplies are needed at any time throughout the year.
Important Dates
May 8 - Early Release Day 11 - Massachusetts State House Visit 12 - Wear Purple Day 15 - 10:30 Book Fair Visit 23 - Science MCAS #1 24 - Science MCAS #2 29 - No School - Memorial Day 31 - Field Day (wear your blue shirt) June 7 - Field Day (Rain Date) 8 - Strings Tour 9 - 1:30-2:30 Parent Program 11 - District Art Show - Whites of Westport 13 - Band Tour 15 - Step-up Day (wear your North '17 shirt) 16 - 5th Grade Awards Day 19 - 5th Grade Celebration 20 - Early Release Day 21 - Early Release Day 22 - Early Release Day 23 - Last Day - Early Release Day
What we're learning
U.S. History - American Revolution
ELA - Reading: "George's Secret Key to the Universe"
Writing: Narrative Writing - Sci-Fi
Suggested Supplies See supply list posted on the district homepage.